Browsing All posts tagged under »Ecuador«

Cuenca: Turn on the lights

April 18, 2011


My departure from Banos was a hurried one, shaken awake after 3 hours sleep my my friend to be informed we were running late for our bus to Cuenca. Disaster avoided, I spent the ensuing nine hours attempting to catch up on some sleep and drowning out the frankly terrible bus music (The Macarena came […]

Banos: We came to party

April 17, 2011


A quick word first about my first South American bus journey. Like most of my trip so far, it served to destroy any preconceptions I had about the continent. Quito´s bus terminal was reminiscient of a plush western station. Rather than the uncomfortable ride I had envisaged on a bus laden with chickens and goats, […]

Quito: Dangers and Annoyances

April 10, 2011


First thing’s first. This trip would not be happening if it wasn`t for my already well-thumbed copy of Lonely Planet. The book is a gift from God. Yet one aspect of it can be truly misleading, to the point that I have now resolved not to read the relevant section ever again. Read the ‘Dangers […]